A Few Thoughts on Resolutions

Happy 2018 y’all!

I’ve been trying to put some of my thoughts together on resolutions, but it’s hard to formulate an opinion that isn’t going to alienate (or infuriate) some people. These are days of polarizing opinions, but every year I’m surprised by people’s strong feelings about New Year’s resolutions. Why do people feel so strongly about the making of resolutions and why other people make them? Love them or hate them most people seem firmly planted on one side.

Resolutions are great time to set goals!

Resolutions are dumb and never work!

I feel like part of the vast minority when I say that I’m on both sides of the resolutions argument (shocker, Amanda can’t make up here mind). I think they can be great vehicles for self improvement, and if supported and taken seriously, I don’t think there is anything wrong with aiming for a little self improvement. That being said, if you throw around proclamations about how this year will be the one year where everything changes, especially with no follow through it’s unlikely things will be any different. So, for better or worse, here are some of my resolutions:

I want to read more, and not just shitty teen fictional drama (which for whatever reason I’m super into) but also some self “improvement” (they don’t call them self-help books anymore, but let’s be real…sometimes you just need help hahahaha). I also just miss settling in with a book, the act of reading has always been relaxing and I think it’s time to try to bring that back into my life.

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Be nicer to myself (physically, emotionally, and mentally) – This might be my most important resolution.  I’ve never been particularly nice to myself, and generally use humour to self deprecate. I’ve realized though that my kneejerk reaction is to beat up on myself, and I need to prioritize a little more positivity. I think I will always be that girl with a goofy anecdote about the silly things I do (I have a lot of material there hahaha), but I think I should consciously try to focus on my positive attributes. Self esteem doesn’t just grow on trees, and I’m coming to the realization that you reap what you sow, so I’m going to plant some self love and see where it goes from there.

I want to make a conscious effort to stay in touch with the people who really matter and let them know how much you care. (You know how nice it can be to have a friend say hi for no reason, it’s nice to feel a little less alone) I’ve got some truly wonderful people in my life, and it’s so easy to lose touch and let time pass, and I think it’s time to put an end to that. Watch out friends, I’m about to bug you soooooo much more (you’re welcome teehee)

Run a 10km. I’ve actually set a date for this one… which makes me nervous because it’s probably (very definitely) going to kick my ass. I haven’t run any kind of impressive distance since the 4th grade (although I was decent at it back then) and in all honesty, I don’t know that I will be able to do this by May, but I’ve committed to running a 10 km and gosh darn it I’m going to try!

Start a YouTube channel. This might be the most daunting thing on my list, but it’s been on my mind for years and I think it’s time to take the plunge. There is going to be a learning curve, sure, but I think it could be a fun little addition to this blog. I can use the channel to create a little more interactive content to support the blog, and use the blog to support the videos. (So much Amanda coming your way!)

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So, there is my list, I’m hoping that putting it out there into the world will hold me a little more accountable. I think I’m almost excited to look back at the end of the year and see what I’ve accomplished. Whether you love resolutions or hate them, these are a few of mine.

Let’s do this, bring on 2018 (I think it’s going to be a great one)